Hearing loss is one of the most common health issues to impact our lives, especially in later life. In fact, it is widely accepted that two-in-three people aged 65 or over will suffer from hearing loss of some kind. Unfortunately, many will not see an audiologist until they experience severe or profound hearing loss.

Age-related hearing loss is still the most common form of hearing loss by far, but it is a condition that often goes untreated. Here’s what you can do to maintain your hearing loss and, if required, seek the support you deserve.

Why do people ignore age-related hearing loss?

Despite its widespread presence, age-related hearing loss isn’t always easy to detect. You may not notice the changes in your hearing profile because the brain is very good at compensating for hearing loss by either working harder, subconsciously learning to lip read, or simply filling in the blanks. 

Furthermore, it is hard to compare your hearing against someone else’s unless you actively ask them. Consequently, then, age-related hearing loss is often ignored simply because it is not noticed by the individual. And, until you see an audiologist, that is unlikely to change.

However, there are other reasons why you leave hearing loss, including but not limited to;

  • Feeling embarrassed or not wanting to admit the experience,
  • A fear of visiting the audiologist,
  • An assumption that nothing can be done to save the situation,
  • Feeling that they can cope with the inconvenience,
  • Concerns about the costs.

In truth, none of the reasons are valid. If hearing loss is experienced, age-related or otherwise, it should be treated ASAP.

What are the symptoms of age-related hearing loss?

Given the difficulties that many people experience in identifying hearing loss during its mild or moderate phases, it is important to know the signs. Age-related hearing loss may be caused by continued exposure to loud noises over a period of several years, family genetics, or medical history, among other issues.

Either way, the most common symptoms to stay vigilant to are;

  • Regularly asking people to repeat themselves,
  • Failing to follow group conversations,
  • Struggling to what children or women,
  • You experience tinnitus,
  • You listen to the TV at a very loud noise,
  • Phone calls or door knocks are regularly missed,
  • Friends and family have mentioned it,
  • You avoid social situations,
  • You no longer hear the sounds of nature,
  • Your own speech has become louder.

It should be noted that the symptoms of age-related hearing loss may be caused by other issues. For example, temporary hearing loss could be a result of an illness or medication while some communication issues may be caused by the speaker rather than you.

The best way to gain clarity is to book a hearing test with your audiologist.

Why should you seek early treatment for age-related hearing loss?

When you experience hearing loss, it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking you can’t fight nature. While it’s true that you cannot reverse the impacts of age-related hearing loss, there are several ways to manage the situation, including hearing aids and hearing protection.

Early detection and treatment offers a wide range of benefits, such as:

Slowed regression

Age-related hearing loss rarely stops at mild hearing loss and will progressively get worse. Identifying the issue early allows you to slow this by following the right treatment or management plan.

Cognitive health

In addition to slowing the progression of hearing loss, an early treatment will help you reduce the risks of cognitive decline, including the speed of its growth. Likewise, it can reduce tinnitus symptoms.

Improved emotional health

Hearing loss will, consciously or subconsciously, impact your social life and emotional wellbeing. It affects your interactions with friends and family in daily situations. In turn, your confidence can be impacted too.

Increased safety

Healthy hearing isn’t only integral to conversations. It also influences your safety in many situations. From hearing sirens or warnings to hearing potential threats, staying alert to your surroundings is key.

Improved earning potential

It is easy to overlook the importance of healthy hearing in the workplace. However, it influences interactions with colleagues, as well as your confidence and productivity. Even at the end of your career, you should appreciate this.

The final word

Age-related hearing loss experienced by millions of people but treated by a far smaller group. If you have noticed the symptoms creep into your life, visiting an audiologist is the quickest way to confirm or rule out its presence. And if you do have hearing loss, this is the first step to gaining the right treatment. 

Protect your long-term hearing health by calling Texas Professional Hearing Center on (281) 420-8033 today!

Tags: age-related, presbycusis, untreated