Your hearing is a really valuable and important part of your overall well-being, and it’s something that you should always ensure that you are taking care of. It is perfectly possible to live a full and happy life if you do develop hearing loss, but nonetheless a lot of people will be keen to avoid it as much as possible. Part of achieving that is making sure that you know how to keep your hearing strong, and as it happens there are quite a few ways you can achieve that.

Music is one of the best tools at your disposal when it comes to strengthening your hearing, so it’s something you are certainly going to want to think about. In this post, we are going to take a look at how this works and what you can do to make good use of that fact. Let’s take a look.

Lower Stress

One of the main ways that music can help your hearing is actually indirect: when you either listen to or play music, this has quite a profound stress-busting effect and that in turn means that your hearing is going to be stronger. Why? Because stress is one of the main risk factors that are at play when it comes to losing your hearing. As long as you are keeping stress at bay, you’ll be much more likely to have good hearing for the rest of your life. Playing music or listening to it regularly is certainly going to help with that.

Pitch Perception

There are also a lot of ways in which playing and making music yourself can help your hearing. One of these is pitch perception. The act of making your own music requires that you are paying consistent close attention to the pitch of the music, and this is something that you are then essentially training your brain in. As it happens, that is a skill that then improves, and you’ll find that you are able to perceive different pitches much more easily as a result, often for the rest of your life. So that is a really amazing benefit of playing your own music.


You can think of prosody as the sounds related to speech, in particular the rhythm and tone of people speaking. This is obviously one of the most important kinds of sounds there are, and one of the first to go when you have hearing loss. However, making music and listening to music are both really good for training this kind of hearing too, largely because of the way you have to focus to hear the lyrics in a song.

Especially if you are playing along with that song, whether live or not. So, the prosody perception too is something that is going to improve a lot the more that you make music a part of your life.

Improved Sleep

Sleep is another thing that always has a huge impact on your hearing. The better you are sleeping in general, the more likely it is that your hearing will remain strong. As a result of that, you’re going to find that it’s really important to get as much good quality, deep sleep as possible.

And as it happens, you can improve your sleep quality just by making sure that you are listening to and making music on a regular basis. That is especially true when you find music that you are happy to listen to as you lie in bed, so that’s something you might want to start doing if you don’t already.


Finally, music strengthens your memory, and that is actually something that plays quite an important role in listening and hearing too. When you have a good memory of what you have heard, this is something that actually helps you to listen properly and for that reason you are going to find that your hearing is a lot stronger when you have the appropriate memory skills. So, listening to music is going to help you in this way as well.

As you can see, music is one of the best things to look at when you want to strengthen your hearing. However, you should take care not to listen to it too loudly too often, and you should protect your hearing when you are exposed to it a lot. If you do that, you’ll find the right balance. To find out more or to have your own hearing checked out, learn more about Texas Professional Hearing Center and call us today at (281) 420-8033.

Tags: hearing health tips